Saturday, May 04, 2024

This year's favourites Ra'anana did not disappoint: they won a convincing victory of 48-33 over their rivals Ma'aleh Adumim to take the gold medal for the second year running.

The Modi'in team were ecstatic to win their first bronze medal when they beat Jerusalem Mercaz by 39-21.

Both matches were played at Modi'in's outside court on Thursday June 2. Many of Israel Netball players were present to enjoy the final games of the 2010/2011 season including some of the Tel Avivians who are expected to be serious contenders for medals next season.

At the medal ceremony, the following awards were presented:

MVP – Gilah Cohen from Ra’anana

Most improved player – Anna Pomson from JLM merkaz

Best and fairest award – Natalie Tchelet from Modi’in

In addition, special awards were presented to Carol Levin and Judy Aknin for their dedicated services to our favourite sport.

Many thanks to all who have participated and contributed to this second extremely successful league season! Looking forward to seeing you all in September.

Happy Holidays!

June 2011