Saturday, July 27, 2024

Training Sessions  

Netball is played regularly across Israel at the following locations:

Beit Shemesh

Seniors (16 years and older): Mondays 19:45-21:15
Kids 5th-6th grade: Sundays 16.00-17.10 Juniors
7th-9th grade: Sundays 17.00-18.30
Location: Yeshivat Lev Hatorah, Nahal Ein Gedi 37, Ramat Beit Shemesh
Contact: Nomi Komar 0528018179 / Sarah Joseph 0543926034

Jerusalem Mercaz

Seniors (All ages): Sundays 18:45-20:00, Wednesdays and Fridays 09.30-10.30
Kids 4th-6th grade: Thursdays 16.30-17.30
Juniors: 7th-9th grade: Thursdays 17.30-18.30
Location: Community Center Ma'aleh Ramot, Sderot Golda Meir 474, Ramot
Contact: Michal Waller 0546306962


Seniors (17 years and older): 21:30-23:00
5th-6th grade: 18.00-19.00
7th-8th grade: 19.00-20.15
9th-10th grade: 20.15-21.30
Location: Horev Elementary School, Kovshei Katamon 15, Katamon
Contact: Ilanit Lieberman 0523564745

Kfar Etzion

2nd-3rd grade: Sundays 16.30-17.30
7th-8th grade: Wednesdays 16.15-17.30
9th grade: Wednesdays 17.30-19.00
10th grade: Wednesdays 19.00-20.30
Seniors (17 years and older): Wednesdays 20.30-22.00
Location: Kibbutz Kfar Etzion
Contact: Nomi Komar 0528018179 or Racheli Komar-Aziz 0528455023


Seniors (15 years and older): Sundays 20:30-22:00
Location: Sports Center, Emek Zvulun 5, Modi'in
Contact: Keren Gordon 0544747412


Seniors (15 years and older): Wednesdays 20:15-22:00
3rd-4th grade: Wednesdays 16:30-17:30
5th-6th grade: Wednesdays 17:30-18:30
7th grade: Wednesdays 18:30-19:30
8th-9th grade: Mondays 19:30-21:00
Location: Yonathan High School, Rashi Street, Ra'anana
Contact: Keren Gordon 0544747412

Tel Aviv

Seniors (15 years and older): Sundays, 20:00-22:00
Location: Sports Hall, Beit Barbour, Derech Hahagana 135, Tel Aviv

Join: Tel Aviv Netball Facebook group

Rosh Tzurim

Kids 3rd-4th grade: Thursdays 15.30-16.30 
5th-6th grade: Thursdays 16.30-17.30
7th-8th grade:  Thursdays 17.30-19.00
Location: Sports Hall, Kibbutz Rosh Tzurim
Contact: Nomi Komar 0528018179 


9th-10th grade: Sundays 20.30-22.00
Location: Sports Hall Bezayit, Efrat
Contact: Nomi Komar 0528018179